The Historical-Critical Method in Biblical Studies: Its History, Potential and Limita-tions, in: The Bible Through the Ages. Its Nature, Interpretation, and Relevance for Today, Hg. L. Jaeger/C. G. Bartholomew, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2024, 222-248:
„The expression ‚historical-critical method‘ is ambiguous. Not just one, but (at least) two different methods of analyzing a given text are called ‚historical-critical.‘ Therefore, I will first look at this somewhat confusing terminology. Most influential books on New Testament methodology usually give much more room for exegetical than for historical method. For this reason, I will describe both the exegetical but also the historical method. In due course, I will not only highlight their strengths but also point out their limitations. Regarding both methods, the question arises what difference it makes whether exegetes or historians interpret biblical texts as Christian believers. This pneumatic or spiritual dimension of biblical studies is often omitted in textbooks on New Testament method. I will deal with it in relation both to exegetical and to historical interpretation of the New Testament. Finally, I will look at the relationship between the historical-critical method and a priori criticism of the miraculous. What is the main difference between a dogmatic or absolute and an open-minded approach to the supernatural elements in the biblical texts? …“
Deutsche Fassung: Die-historisch-kritische-Methode-in-der-Bibelwissenschaft-BeTh-3-2019-53-87.pdf